Monday, February 14, 2011

Great House

The period of the Dutch East Indies

The main building of this palace complex was built in May 1824 that was initiated by Anthony Hendriks Smissaerat, Resident of Yogyakarta to-18 (1823-1825) that the existence of the "palace" is authoritative for the Dutch-resident resident while the architect is A. Payen.

Because of the Diponegoro War or the Java War (1825-1830) construction of the building was delayed. Construction is continued after the war ended that was completed in 1832. On June 10, 1867, the official residence of the Dutch resident was collapsed by the earthquake. New buildings were built and completed in 1869. The building is at the main building complex is now the Presidential Palace of Yogyakarta is also called the State House.

On December 19, 1927, the administrative status of the territory of Yogyakarta as a residency increased to provinces where the Governor became the supreme ruler. Thus the main building became the residence of the governor of the Dutch in Yogyakarta to the entry of Japan.

Future capital of the Republic

On January 6, 1946, "City Gudeg" became the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia which is still young and the palace was turned into the Presidential Palace, residence of President Sukarno and his family, while Vice President Mohammad Hatta lived in the building currently occupied Korem 072/Pamungkas. Since then the Presidential Palace of Yogyakarta to witness the inauguration of an important event such as the Great Commander General Sudirman TNI on June 3, 1947 and as the army top brass of the Republic of Indonesia on July 3, 1947.

Dutch Military Aggression II

On December 19, 1948, Yogyakarta, was attacked by Dutch troops under the command of General Spoor, President, Vice President and other princes were exiled to the outside of Java and only returned to the Palace of Yogyakarta on July 6, 1949. Since December 28, 1949, namely the migration of the President to Jakarta, this palace is no longer a place to live day-to-day President.

Period Now 

Office & official residence of President

Yogyakarta Palace or the Great House, as well as other presidential palace that is as an office and official residence of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, as a place to receive or stay state guests. Since August 17, 1991, the palace was used as a place to commemorate Independence Seconds to Yogyakarta and operation of each 17 Sunset Parade which began 17 April 1988.

Complex building

Yogyakarta Palace consists of six main buildings of the Great House (main building), Government House, Wisma Indraphrasta, Wisma Sawojajar, Wisma Wisma Bumiretawu and Saptapratala. The main building was completed in 1869 to the present form has not changed. The main room is called the Garuda Room serves as the official room to welcome guests of the state or another great guest. In addition to the homestead, the homestead since 20 September 1995 Sono Arts complex covering an area of 5600 square meters, located in the south, which was originally owned by the Ministry of Information, to be part of this Presidential Palace.

Monument at the Palace

In front of the main building, in the courtyard, there is a monument as high as 3.5 meters of andesite called Dagoba, which originated from Cupuwulatu Village, near the Prambanan Temple.

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