Sunday, January 30, 2011


Problem DIY privileges being reviewed and reset privilege bill (RUUK) by the central government, the Chinese communities in Yogyakarta go silent. As part of the DIY community, they feel hot "privilege" Nagari Ngayogyakarta start harassed the central government.

"The closeness of Chinese society with Sultanate Palace already happened long ago. We are also part of the witness of history. DIY idiosyncrasies should not be harassed, "said Vice Chairman of the Association of Hin An, Bambang Indradi Sukastoro, when met in the Gus Dur Haul Kaliopak in boarding school, some time ago.
According to him, DIY can not be equated with other regions. Diruntut of history, this privilege is irrefutable. "Jogja was indeed special. Already, no longer open to question, "he said.

Although not straightforward to say the support of the determination or election, but implicitly DIY Bambang said the privilege should still be maintained. For him, as part of Jogja society, he also hopes also remain cool calm conditions DIY.

"Only in Jogja tolerance and tolerance are good. When the 1998 riots, here [Yogyakarta] cool calm, whereas neighboring regions [Surakarta], Chinese society did not escape the attack., "He admitted.
Talking about Bill Privileges (RUUK) DIY, Chinese people actually still want the Sultan of Yogyakarta lead. They argue, when led by Sultan, Yogyakarta had never experienced political upheaval to create peace.
Conducive conditions in Yogyakarta is the preferred ethnic Chinese, especially for those who trade. According to the Secretary of the Indonesian Chinese Association (INTI), DIY, Ben Yuono condition says is the Chinese people in Jogja feel comfortable trading.

"Ethnic Chinese in general Yogyakarta Sultan's leading DIY happy. Whether it's through the way of assessment or selection. Because, as far as Sultan who led Jogja, Chinese entrepreneurs can carry out its business in peace, "said Ben.

Bim confirmed not want to join the political mainstream supporting the determination or election. The fact that there have been memenga leadership of Sultan create ethnic Tionghoanyaman work and trade. Moreover, some Chinese citizens are employers in Jogja.

"Instinctively or non-Chinese citizens need peace in the trade. So masiih hope Sultan still leading DIY. History has shown us not only to sell but never too quiet get protection from the Sultan of Yogyakarta within a few decades, "explains Ben.

Chinese community leaders, Bernie Liem also said Chinese people can now live peacefully and side by side in harmony with the indigenous people Jogja.Ini all inseparable from the role of King who led the palace.
"There are inscriptions in the palace that became evident. The contents of thanks from the community Tionghoakepada Sultan who has protected them so they can live peacefully and prosperous lives in Yogyakarta, "said Bernie brief.

Embracing All
Circle Secretary Bhakti son, Arif was of the opinion privilege Budiwijaya DIY can be seen from the Sultan's ability to embrace the community. Moreover, not only owned DIY indigenous Jogja, traders also felt comfortable gain knowledge and earn a living.
"DIY Society was diverse, many immigrants who were able to mingle with the native community. This relationship may not be found in this area, "he admitted.
The closeness that exists between the Chinese community synergy, the Sultan and the royal palace, according to him is a form of privilege.

Reluctant colonizer
"Colonizer Palace also admitted the existence of Ngayogyakarata. Even Jogja is an area that was never colonized until Indonesia gained independence. This is also evidence, how special Yogyakarta, "he explained.
Leadership Sultan as King of Yogyakarta, to him also carries a strong influence on the existence of DIY as a special area. "Since before the Indonesian independence, the leadership of King of Yogyakarta has been recognized. Until the colonizer even hesitate, "he said.

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